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We want children to look forward to their day in school and good attendance is vital to your child's happiness and progress. Punctuality is also expected, as lateness disrupts the learning of others in our community. If a child is persistently late or absent, the parents will be asked to come into school and speak to our Attendance officer.


If your child is absent through illness, please telephone the school promptly or send an email on the first day of absence so we know your child is safe. This is particularly important if your child walks to and from school. We are obliged to keep official records of all absences and you are expected to provide a note confirming the reason for absence.


If you take your child out of school for any reason, you will need authorisation from the Headteacher. In line with the local authority guidance, We strongly recommend that you do not book holidays during term time as this is extremely disruptive to your child's education. School term dates are sent out a the beginning of each school year and are also available from the school office.


Attending school regularly is the best way for children to achieve their academic best.  


If your child is unable to attend school, please inform the school by telephone call (02392375488 x206), email ( 


or use the Arbor messaging App  by 9:00am.


Please see below for the Portsmouth Education Partnership and Portsmouth City Council's website Attendance page links
