Safety and Security
Our school site is a safe place for our children. Security fencing and gates have been fitted to ensure that visitors cannot easily come into contact with children or staff. Please help us to maintain our security of our school by following the guidance below:
- If you need to take your child out of school during the school day, please call at the office to collect your child who will be brought to you from class.
- No child is allowed to leave the school grounds without adult supervision or a letter of consent from parents.
- All visitors MUST sign in at the office on arrival and be issued with a visitor's sticker.
- If we feel that your child needs urgent medical attention, we will always try to contact you. In the event of a serious emergency, we will call an ambulance and accompany your child to hospital. It is therefore vital that you inform the school office of any change of your contact details.
Safeguarding Key Contact Details for St Paul’s
Key Personnel | Name (s) | Telephone No. |
DSL | Zoe Killick | 02392375488 |
Filtering and Monitoring Lead | Zoe Killick | 02392375488 |
DDSL(s) | Sophie Were Abbie Cammiade Sarah Hounsell Stephanie Smith | 02392375488 |
School’s named Prevent Lead | Zoe Killick | 02392375488 |
School’s Mental Health Lead | Sarah Hounsell | 02392375488 |
Nominated Safeguarding Governor | Patrick Keetley | 02392375488 |
Chair of Governors | Mary Maguire | 02392375488 |
MASH | 023922688793 | |
Out of hours social care |
| 08456710271 |
Police | NPCC Guidance | 101 or in emergencies 999 |
Safeguarding advisors/Local Authority Designated Officers (LADO) | Rebecca Paradise | 02392882500 |
School Nurse |
| 03001236629 |
Children’s Service Department, District Service Manager | Paulsgrove Hub | 02392385995 |