Relational Practice
This year we have been focusing on Relational Practice - please see the video on below where we explain a bit about it! A big part of this is having Relational Circles to 'check in' each week on a Monday morning, and 'check out' on a Friday morning. The children are mixed across the whole school, so are with lots of different ages, and an adult that they might not have known until the circles started. The aim is for everyone in our school community to build up relationships and have as many secure connections as possible. It also links well with our St Paul's Principles.
Everyone starts by checking in their feeling for the day, recapping the rules, and then we take turns to answer fun questions - finding out lots about each other!
What do the pupils of St Paul's think of our relational circles:
“I like mixing with the other year groups and we get asked how we are feeling at the beginning and end.”
“I like being with older children and saying how I'm feeling.”
“ I like answering the questions, they are funny.”
What do the staff of St Paul's think of our relational circles:
“It has been nice to see children I don’t normally interact with them.”
“Children enjoy it and its nice to say how they’re feeling.”
“ Its nice to be able to problem solve together and follow things up at lunchtime.”
St Paul's Relational Leaders

Relational Practice

Positive Language

Relational Leaders