Inclusion SEND
Inclusion at St Paul's Catholic Primary School
Thank you visiting our Inclusion page.
Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator - Mrs Were
Our SENCO is a qualified teacher who is trained in supporting children with additional needs. Mrs Were is responsible for the day to day operation of the Special Needs Policy and the co-ordination of provision for children with additional needs. In addition, Mrs Were works closely parents, carers, teacher and other professionals.
Emotional Literacy Support Assistant – ELSA -Mrs Secci
Our ELSA are specialist teaching assistant, is trained to support children in the development of emotional literacy. Emotional literacy is helping children to understand and cope with their feelings, as well as developing high self-esteem and positive interaction with others. Children who are emotionally literate are able to focus better on their learning.
Our ELSA may work on different areas of emotional literacy including recognising emotions, self-esteem, social skills, friendship skills, anger management and loss and bereavement. When working with children the ELSA will allocate a regular slot during the school week of 20-30 minutes. The sessions can be individual or in small groups and are tailored to the child’s individual needs. The ELSA makes sure that the sessions are fun and include activities such as role-play, puppets, board games, art and crafts and stories. They also allow the children time to talk. The ELSA reviews a child’s progress on a half termly basis.
The ELSA works closes with parents and class teacher to support the child. This enables the ELSA understand the child’s emotional needs.
Nurture Leader - Miss Podyma
Deputy Nurture Leader - Miss Standley
Our nurture group provides a modified curriculum in an environment based on the principles advocated by Marion Bennathan and Marjorie Boxall
The group is an intervention for those children who are unable to access learning successfully in their mainstream classroom. This may be due to fragmented or deprived early childhood experiences or other areas which be of concern.
Our group is an afternoon provision: with children attending a number of sessions per week depending on need. The group has regular assessments, and is overseen by the Inclusion Leader, Mrs Housell.
You should find everything you need in our SEND information report and policies below.
However if you have any further questions or would like to find out more please contact the Inclusions Leader: Mrs Were through the school office on 02392375488.