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Prayer Leaders

Welcome to our new prayer leaders


We are St Paul's prayer leaders and we plan, lead and deliver worship across the school. We also support teachers in their liturgies in the hall as well as a daily duty in the prayer corner whereby we invite and encourage pupils to pray and reflect. We also help children write prayers as well offer up their intentions to the Lord. 


Here is what our peers say about us

"I like that they really help us understand the Gospel."

"They spend their time making their own worship and tell us the message in a child friendly way."

"That they are very kind and they are good role models."


Prayer leaders play an important role in developing children's faith and belief.


They help in planning phase liturgies and  lead class worship. 


Prayer leaders participate in whole school masses and liturgies eg, readers, alter servers and stewards. 


They keep school's prayer corner reflective and inline with the liturgical calendar. They encourage children to

spend some quiet time in prayer and guide the young children in prayers.


