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Welcome to St Paul’s Catholic Primary School and Nursery.


St Paul’s is located in the heart of Paulsgrove, within a close knit community, and serves both the parishes of St Colman’s with St Paul’s.  We welcome all children from the local and wider community as Christ is at the very heart of all we do.  The school’s mission statement ‘Do Everything with Love’ underpins the academic and moral, spiritual and ethical values which enhances the children's ability to grow together in an inclusive and diverse community. We are a Catholic school for the local community, making Christ known to all people.


Throughout their time at St Paul’s, children become knowledgeable across each of the subject areas through rich and varied curricular provision, which is personalised to their individual needs. Dedicated staff aim to ensure that all children will be fluent readers, with a love of literacy and able to communicate effectively both orally and in writing.  They will also develop an excellent understanding of number and mathematical concepts. Children are encouraged to have high aspirations, to believe in themselves as learners and in doing so be successful at every stage of their education and beyond. 


The school achieves this through their mission statement and staff pride themselves on the caring and nurturing environment they offer to all.

The children are at the heart of everything that the school and staff do. Teachers recognise that children do not get a second chance at making a good start to their school life and it is their responsibility to provide the best that is possible. As such, staff share and embrace a collective responsibility to ensure that both the children and staff develop a love of learning and are challenged and encouraged to have high expectations of themselves and others.


The curriculum at St Paul’s is closely aligned to Catholic Social Teaching and underpins our mission, from which a culture and ethos is generated that supports the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of the whole school community. In the daily living of their Catholic faith, staff aim to ensure that Religious Education and spiritual development permeates every aspect of the curriculum so that it is explicit and implicit within the community. Rooted in prayer and lived out in the daily life of the school, pupils and staff are supported to grow in faith and deepen their relationships with God and each other.


The school provides an inclusive community where everyone is valued for their own individual talents and personality. Staff work exceptionally hard to offer all children a strong spiritual and moral base, a rich, exciting and challenging curriculum and a stimulating learning environment, enabling them to reach their full potential. The school has forged extremely strong links between home, school, the local parish and the wider community and strive to maintain and strengthen these in as many ways as possible. Working together, staff achieve great things for the children and school community and certainly do ‘Everything with Love’.


Please come and visit our school to see for yourself why you would want your children to be part of St Paul's Catholic Primary School and Nursery 



Mrs Z Killick Headteacher

St Paul's Catholic Primary School and Nursery

Bourne Road


PO6 4JD 
