D-Day Event
On Saturday 8th June, the KS2 choir were invited to sing on the main stage on Southsea Common as part of the D-Day 75 celebrations that were taking place in the city. This was brilliant opportunity for the children to sing to take centre stage and they were absolutely brilliant! The theme of the day was '1940s Revival' and we sang three songs, Hey Mr Miller, Chattanooga Choo Choo and Evacuate! Evacuate! Despite being a little nervous due to how big the stage was, the children all sang their hearts out and made St Paul's very proud! Well done to everyone involved and thanks to you if you braved the windy seafront to come and watch us!

First Holy Communion
A huge congratulations to all our First Holy Communion children. What a wonderful celebration it was!
Thank you to all the staff that came to support the children- it was greatly appreciated.
Going forth mass will be on Sunday at 11am at St. Paul's. The children ill be in their First Holy Communion dress and will receive their certificate. It would be lovely to see you all there.

Year 5 Mission Moon - Lego League Junior

Year 5 Author Event - Tom Palmer - DDay Story

Year 3 Robotics at UTC

Roald Dahl Charity Visit

Year 5 Egyptian Movie Trailer
In computing club this term some year 5 pupils have been learning to use video editing and publishing software to create a hollywood worthy trailer for a film of their liking. Our group of Year 5 children chose to use an egyptian theme for their film with a horror twist.
Year 6 Speeches
Two members of year 6 reflected on their time at St.Paul’s and delivered their speeches at our school mass on Sunday 17th March. Here is what Reece and Cassidy think about our school:
Year 6 Healthy Living iMovie Projects
Year 6 created adverts for healthy living during their ICT lessons using iMovie. They learnt how to take and edit photos, add music and sound effects, apply filters to change the contrasts on their photos and also included transitions on each slide. Text was also added to promote their healthy living advert. The children really enjoyed making their iMovies, as is demonstrated in these amazing examples.
ESafety - Momo
Please be aware that there has been a recent rise in malicious communications online, parents please click the following link for some information that may be very useful for you.
Non-School Uniform Day
Mrs Schouller Long Service Award
On Tuesday 15th Mrs Schouller was surprised by everyone at St Paul's with an assembly just for her!
She was presented with her Long Service Award - 25years working in Portsmouth City Schools.
This is an amazing achievement and we would like to thank Mrs Schouller for all her hard work and dedication over the many years that she has been with us at St Paul's

October 2018
Under 11 Football Cup at PGS

Wow our boys football team played well showing our wonderful learning behaviours throughout the match, team work and resilience to name two.
Year 5 and 6 Table Tennis Tournament

Children from year 5 and 6 represented our school in a Table Tennis Tournament, some of the children were new to the sport, we are very proud of both of our boys and girls teams coming away with a third place medal each.
BH Live Mountbatten Centre

The children were lucky enough to take part in a multiskills event. We are extremly proud of our representatives who came 4th overall and won a free badminton session each.
St Paul's Artsmark Journey
At St Paul's we strive for a broad and balanced curriculum which enables all our pupils to develop thier individual talents.
WAR Reading
St Paul's appears in the Portsmouth News
The children of St Paul's have been selected to take part in the War Reading project, where the school will be given newspapers on the run up to 100th Anniversary of Armistice Day on Sunday November 11th.
Click on the image below to read the full article
September 2018
CAFOD Share the Journey - A day for the world to come together to put an end to the Refugee Crisis

St Paul's in The News
BBC Music Day 2018 - One World