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Reception Week 6 - We All Matter - Our Voices Can Make A Difference!


As a finale to our We all matter topic, we are reading Greta and the Giants by Zoe Tucker. We have been learning about Greta Thunberg who, despite being a young person , already achieved great things.


We made our own posters to help to save the planet then marched around to protest against deforestation. This week we focused on the jungle and the rainforests.


We learned about different animals who live there and how we need to look at products carefully before we shop so we can protect animals habitats.


We used animals to solve number problems ,we had jungle slime and in the outside area the children washed the animals clean as part of their hand-gym activity. We made an obstacle course to pretend we are in the jungle and wrote instructions how to travel around. Save our planet because we ALL MATTER!

